IMPORTANT – If you provided medicine for your child in the school clinic this school year, please remember that it must be picked up on or before the last day of school by 1:00pm, otherwise it will be discarded.
District Policy states that students are not allowed to carry or bring medication to school. (This includes OTC medications.) All medication must be brought in the original unopened container to the clinic by a parent or guardian. Parents must fill out a permission form to administer medication in the clinic.
Antibiotics and similar medications ordered 1-3 times daily can usually be given at home. Medications given 4 times a day can be given at lunch if original container is received in the clinic and a parent permission form is filled out.
Inhalers and Epi-pens are allowed to be carried by students only after the Physician self-administration medication form has been turned in to the nurse. A new Physician form signed by the physician and parent must be turned in to the clinic at the beginning of each school year.
See district website for medical forms, district medication requirements, immunization requirements and additional information.
Sherry Janecek, RN
Tonya McLaughlin
Clinic: 281-897-4614
Fax: 281-897-4656