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College Credit in High School

Interested in Dual Credit? Check back for Parent Meeting.

For more dual credit information, parents/students are welcome to view the Dual Credit page on the district website.

Please contact Cy-Fair High School Counseling Office for more information regarding AP Exams. 

Why should I take college credit classes in high school?

  1. College admission offices are looking for students that take challenging classes in high school.
  2. Advanced Placement (AP)/Dual Credit courses will help develop the skills needed to succeed in your future education.
  3. Money. Money. Money. - Dual Credit and AP courses can save you thousands of dollars in tuition, books, and fees! 
Estimated Tuition and Fees:
College/University 3 hours (1 course) Full Time (12+ hours)
Advanced Placement Test $102 (1 test)  
Dual Credit – Lone Star College $120  
University of Texas-Austin (Business) $2,510 $5,696
Texas A & M University (Business) $1,592 $5,670
Sam Houston State University $1,288 $4,031
Lone Star College $309 $1,236

Average costs may vary. The information was obtained from the University websites during the fall.

What's the difference between Dual Credit and AP?

  Dual Credit AP – Advanced Placement
Enrollment Requirements 1. Must meet district requirements for Advanced Courses
2. Pre-requisite courses and/or placement testing required
3. Complete Lone Star registration
1. Must meet district requirement for Advanced Courses
2. Pre-requisite courses for some courses
How Grade/Score is assigned and transferred Both Lone Star College grade and Cy-Fair High School grade are assigned by the high school teacher (Lone Star professor) based upon work/grade earned in class.
Students must earn a C+ or higher in order to remain in dual credit classes.
No college grade is assigned by the high school teacher. College credit students receive is based on the AP national exam offered in May. Exams are scored on a scale from 1 to 5; Exam score of 1 & 2 are not accepted; AP scores sent to the university
Cost $120.00 tuition for a 3-hour course *set by LoneStar and is subject to change 2023-24: $102.00 per exam or $57.00 for free/reduced lunch students *set by CollegeBoard and is subject to change
Transferability University and/or college major determine whether course is accepted; Hours transferred based on institution’s evaluation of coursework; Lone Star College credit will transfer to many colleges and universities in the state of Texas as well as nationally University and/or college major determine whether test score is acceptable; Credit is often awarded nationally. Guaranteed credit for a score of 3 or higher (out of 5) at Texas public schools; however, credit is not guaranteed in department taken.